I’m In Two Minds About Vipassana

Harmless meditation course or brainwashing cult? A detailed account of my experience and why I left after five days.

Lucy Foster
48 min readOct 19, 2019
Photo by Mattia Faloretti on Unsplash

June 24th 2019 — I’m in Phitsanulok bus station, Thailand, where I arrived exactly a week ago.

I have five hours to kill. But that feels like no time after recent events.

This post begun in my head a few days ago — but I had no pen and paper.

I had no communication tools or devices.

I had no one to talk to except the voices in my head.

I was worried I’d forget my words, but I had no choice.

I had to trust myself to remember.

I’d travelled to Phitsanulok to complete an 11 night, 10 day Vipassana.

I arrived at this remote location the day before so I’d be at the centre on time.

It never even occurred to me I’d leave early. Historically, I am not a quitter.

But yesterday I left Vipassana — on day five.

It was the hardest decision I’ve had to make in a long time. But as I write, my toes tingle and legs spasm.

They are sensations— physical reminders — that I did the right thing.



Lucy Foster

Living a conscious life, nomadic student of the Universe, mentor, healer, creator, at your service.